Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring is here- have a yard sale!

If you've thought about selling your home, but have no idea where you want to go- and where you will put all of your stuff- have a yard sale! Clean out the attic, get down in the basement, and get those old tools out of the garage and get rid of them! You know what they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

The weather is getting nicer, and there are avid yard sale goers out there getting ready for the season. This is the best way to get rid of some items you may not necessarily need anymore, plus it will put into prospective how much "stuff" you really have. Plus its a way to get the whole family involved. Your teaching your children the value of items, and teaching them about money. Let them play cashier and help them count back change.

Another way to get rid of old stuff, there are websites that will buy your old electronics. You input the condition of them, and it tells you how much money they will pay you for it. They will even take old broken electronics and properly recycle them for you. Try out

All of this will help you clean out the junk in your home and help you get it ready to sell. Here are some tips to get your home "show ready" to make the most of every showing.

1. Clean up the clutter. Make sure all the toys are put away, beds are made, and clothes put away. Everything should be surfaced cleaned.
2. Create ambiance. Play some light music, light candles that smells good, and leave the lights on. This will appeal to the senses of the buyers to try and help them feel at home.
3. Don't linger around. Buyers feel uncomfortable being in your home if your hovering. They will not be able to see themselved living there if they are distracted by you watching their every move.
4. Remove personal items as much as possible. It's hard for a buyer to feel at home when a huge family portait is hanging in the living room. You want to take yourself out of the picture and allow prospective buyers to try and fill it with their own belongings in their mind to see if the home works for them.

These are just a few tips, for more information on this topic and more visit And as always, email me at with any questions.

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