Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finding the Right Property

Buying a home is like something you have never experience before. It's a process that is so rewarding, yet can cause ulcers for some just thinking about it. Maybe you've bought something before and didn't have such a great experience. Maybe you have never bought but you've heard horror stories from friends and family members. Every transaction is different, and every experience will be something you will tell to your friends and family in the future. But buying a home is nothing to be scared of! You just need to know what to expect, and having the right people to guide you through the process will make everything run a little smoother.

While there is no crystal ball to show you whether a transaction will happen without a hitch, experienced Realtors know what to expect generally, and can help provide you with "worst-case scenerios" to try and shed some light on the process. I myself have experience transactions that went smoothly, and some that ended not so good. The biggest thing to remember is that it's not over until your walking away from the settlement table with the keys in your hand.

Once you walk into a home, you will know if this is the home for you. I am trained to show you roughly what your total estimated closing costs will be based on the homes sales price, as well as the estimated monthly payment on the home. I can also show you how much of a home you can afford based on your income and debts to help provide a peice of mind that this home really is for you.

So, if you are thinking about buying, whether it's now or in the near future, email me with any questions you may have, I am more then happy to help.

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